Friday, January 6, 2023

Ways to get your child interested in Physics?


Space, aviation, movement, technology, medicine, energy- almost everything and every field we see around us today is intertwined with physics. Physics finds its in-depth applications in the physical world, and if you love unravelling the mysteries of the physical and cosmic world, it’s high time you try to get your child interested in Physics. The subject is mostly experimental and relating it to the real world sometimes feels daunting which is why most students struggle with the basic concepts of physics. If your kid is interested in physics, but they find it intricate, you can always go for a physics tutor, but if you just want to get your child interested in physics, here are some tips for you!


Get them interested in magnets

Who doesn’t love sticking the two opposite poles of magnets or repelling the two opposite poles of magnets away from each other? Well, magnets fascinated every kid, and it continues to do so. When you are getting your child interested in magnets, you can start with magnetism. Get your child magnets, and let them explore the house and try as many magnetic objects as possible. Let them find out why some objects are magnetic and find out why some objects are not.


Torque and motion

Every kid is flabbergasted by the concept of motion. Whether we are talking about racing cars or bicycles, motion is something evident yet intriguing in our very surroundings. Ask your kids questions like why certain objects roll without any problem, whereas others need assistance to move. You can also let your child figure out why heavier things roll relatively easily as compared to lighter ones. They can discover things like the centre of mass, friction and the concept of kinematic and torque when they play along.



This is another fun experiment. Archimedes discovered it and you can explore it. Fill a pail or tub with water up to different levels and put different things inside them. Ensure each thing is made of different elements like metal, wood, cloth or rubber. Now ask your kid why certain objects float while others sink. Also, try to include things like paper and ask your little one why it floats briefly before sinking to the bottom.



Another significant force of nature, and an important lesson-gravity. So, gravity is one of the most primitive forces that has been around for as long as mankind can remember. You can also let your child explore the basics of gravity. Drop or toss things made from different materials from a height and discuss which object falls faster and why. Also, make a paper aeroplane, fly it from a high viewpoint and discuss what’s keeping it airborne and what’s stopping it from crashing. Trust us, your kid will start loving the pragmatic side of physics when you do these things in the initial days.



When you think about “PHYSICS”, you might conjure up the image of someone doing complicated experiments or calculations. But, the truth is just the opposite. On the ground level, physics is more about something that children and adults can find relevant and fascinating. The subject has applications that have real-world repercussions, and if you want your child to master physics like a pro, you can always opt for the best physics tuition in Singapore. With O-level physics tuition in Singapore, your kid can understand both the rudimentary as well as advanced terms that they don’t understand in the classroom.


Searching for an IP Physics tuition in Singapore? The experts at JC Physics tuition can be your kid’s game-changer to excel in academia and crack competitive exams. Get in touch now!


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