Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Physics Tuition Singapore: Attributes of a Good Tutor


Physics is all around you. Right from the moment that you wake up to the alarm, and the feet hit the floor till you walk to the bus stand and reach the school to attend another physics lesson, you would have encountered several laws of physics without even realizing it. Our life revolves around the origin and propagation of light, sound, time, speed, friction, gravity, and more of such elements that you come across in your physics textbook. It is one of the most interesting subjects that help you decipher the mysteries of the universe and open up your mind to the umpteenth possibilities beyond it. 

Still, feel that it is a difficult subject to score? Are you having a hard time understanding the fundamentals? Well, then the problem is more with the method of your learning rather than your inability to understand. What you need is a good physics tutor, who will simplify the learning process and help you grasp the basic concepts, invoking your interest in the subject. If the foundational knowledge is strong then learning becomes easy, fun and interesting. It will not only help you to score well in your exams but also become a knowledgeable individual, with a sound sense of reasoning. 

Best Physics Tuition: What to Seek in Your Physics Tutor?

How well you learn or respond to a subject has a lot to do with the person imparting the knowledge, i.e., the teacher. 

Good Communicator

Coming to the class and giving a lecture, without any feedback from the students is where many go wrong. It’s the lack of communication that creates the gap of understanding that can be bridged by a two-way learning process. A good tutor uses an interactive learning process, where while imparting the lesson, he gets continued feedback from the students, to understand if they are having any difficulty in understanding the lesson. 


If there are 10 students in a class, chances are that maybe 4 of them will take twice the time to understand the lesson. It is quite natural, as the level of absorption in each student varies. A good teacher is patient enough to simplify the lesson for those 4 students, ensuring that they have no confusion regarding the lesson, before moving on to the next one. A good physics tutor will never get annoyed if you enquire. 

Use of Real-Life Examples

Students always find it easy to understand if given real-life examples. Such as, what makes you not fall on the ground while walking on the streets. It is the friction between the sole of the shoe and the surface of the road that creates the resistance, preventing one from slipping. A good physics tutor will use such interesting and relatable example from day-to-day life making the lessons easy for the students to understand. 

Subject Expertise

This one goes without saying that one should always enquire about the educational qualification and subject expertise of the tutor before attending the classes. A teacher with a degree in physics with years of tutoring experience can empower the student with his accumulated knowledge and experience.

Ending Note:

As education becomes widely accessible, one has to seek those rare gems, the good teachers who are passionate about imparting knowledge to the upcoming generation of students. Mr. Wynn Khoo of SG Physics is one of the most sought after educators, offering the best O level physics tuition in Singapore. With an impressive educational record, combines with his years of experience as an educator has won him numerous accolades, along with respect from students. He also specializes in IP physics tuition and has a track record of producing the best scorers in the subject, owing to his unique and rewarding learning methods. Visit SG Physics for more information about the learning modules and timings of the batches.

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